Go to the links page of our website and click on Guide to Property Owners…
I would like information on a piece of property, who do I contact?
You can go to our links tab and click on Jefferson County, go to their…
Do I have to license my dog/cat?
Yes. The Village has an ordinance that requires ALL pets to be licensed. Before we can issue…
There is a street light out that I would like to report, who do I contact?
You can go to this website and easily report and outage or other problems. https://www.we-energies.com/slo/
Who do I call about my utilities when I’m moving?
For local gas & electric you contact WE Energies, local cable is Charter Communications, and…
How can I pay my water bill?
You can pay at the Village Hall during regular office hours, Palmyra State Bank takes…
How often do water bills go out?
You will receive a water bill every 3 months, typically Dec., March, June, Oct
My Water Bill went way up, why?
You may have a leak, a leak that you aren’t aware of. Go to our Water…
Do I live in the Village or Town of Palmyra?
If your address starts with a number, you are a Village Resident. If your address…
A Citizens Guide to Wisconsin Cities and Villages
2017 Citizens Guide to WI Cities and Villages