Garbage & Recycle Cans
Garbage & Recycle cans can NOT be left at the curb!! Per ordinance 11.07 all…
Drug Drop Box located at the Palmyra Police Dept.
Located at 126 N. First St. Drop Box is open for the public Mondays &…
Attention Village Resident: Chickens & other Fowl are NOT allowed in the Village
6 hen chickens are allowed ONLY if you complete a conditional use application and are…
Private: Pay With A Credit Card!
You can now pay Village fees with a credit or debit card or use your…
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2017 - 2016
Palmyra Police Department Has Moved!
They have moved in with the Fire/EMS Department at 126 N. First Street. Phone numbers have stayed the same.
The Palmyra Police Department would like to remind
The Palmyra Police Department would like to remind everyone of the traffic laws pertaining to speed limits in school zones. Hwy. 59/Maple Street from Vallee Rd to Northwest Street and W. Main Street from Burr Oak to Carriage Way are school zones (15 MH) when childred are going to and from school. If the crossing guard is out, it's a school zone. Please help us keep the childred saft by obeying the school zone limits!
E-Waste Site is Closed Permanently!!
Absolutely no dumping of electronics allowed.
Click here for a list of locations for E-Waste disposal
Adopt a Garden Flyer and Sign Up Sheet
Spring is here, pick up to keep Palmyra Clean.
Residents and Businesses are responsible for keeping their property clean and free of garbage and debris per Village Ordinances. Spring is here, pick up to keep Palmyra Clean.
Do Not Place Items at the Yardwaste/E-Waste Site
Do Not Place Items at the Yardwaste/E-Waste Site Any Time Except the Regularly Scheduled Dates!! This Is a Violation of Village Ordinance and You Will Be Issued a Citation!!!
If you would be interested in receiving your Water & Sewer bill via email
If you would be interested in receiving your Water & Sewer bill via email vs. having it mailed to you please email the Village Clerk with your name, address, and phone number so that we can contact you regaring possible new E-Bills!!!
For volunteers to clean up our parks and community
Click here for a list of projects if your group or organization would like to volunteer to clean up our parks and community. Contact 495-8316 for more information.
More Info regarding the volunteer projects above
Attention Village Residents!
Please remember to attend the Village Board meetings (1st & 3rd Monday of the month @ 7 pm), Committee meetings (scheduled as needed). You need to all be aware of what is happening in your community and these meetings are very important.
Food Pantry Donation Bins
Food Pantry Donation Bins can be found at Palmyra State Bank and the Village Clerk's office. Please donate to those who are in need.
Purchase Holiday Ornaments from the Historical Preservation Commission
Purchase Holiday Ornaments from the Historical Preservation Commission at the Village Hall: The years featured ornament will a historic site within the Village, check with Historic Preservation Commission. Cost $10, makes a great gift!
Watch for upcoming events!
Watch for upcoming events on our sign located on the corner of Hwy 59 & Anemone Ave.!
November - Clear Your Sidewalks of Snow & Ice!!!
You have 24 hrs. from a snow/ice storm to clear your sidewalks. If you don't do it, public works will and you will be billed.
November 1 Winter Parking Regulations
No parking on Village Streets from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. Nov. 1st until April 1st. You will be issued a citation and or towed.
Fall Blowing of Leaves into Village Streets
The blowing, raking, or disposing of your yards leaves into Village streets is prohibited.
Summer Filling of Swimming Pools
BEFORE you fill your pool,call the water department at 495-4106 in order to meter your water only so you don't get billed for sewer!!
Clean Up After Your Pets!!
When walking your pets please pick up after them. There is a Village ordinance requiring you to clean up after your pets or you could be written a citation from the Police Dept.
Also remember to keep your pets in your own yard!!! We have a leash law.
E-Waste Site Closed Permanently
Absolutely No Dumping of Electronics at the Village Yardwaste Site Effective Jan. 1, 2015. The Site Is Closed Permanently for Electronic Waste and You Could Receive a Citation for Dumping There.
Clean up your yards and help make Palmyra a nice place to live and visit!
Property maintenance is required by Village ordinance. Please keep your yard neat and clean. This includes Business owners. Pick up garbage, junk, cigarette butts, trim your weeds, etc.
Brush Chipping
Notice to Village Residents of Brush Pickup
The Palmyra Dpw Will Be Picking Brush Up The 2nd Monday Of The Month From April Thru November.
Brush At The Curbside To Be Picked Up Must:
- Not Be Placed At The Curbside More Than 72 Hours Before Scheduled Pickup
- Be Neatly Stacked With Cut End Toward The Road
- Not Be Larger Than 4" In Diameter Or Longer Than 8" In Length
- Not Be Bundled Or Bound Together
- Not Be Placed In Bags
- Not Be Mixed With Grass, Leaves Or Other Yard Debris Brush Will Not Be Picked Up If Guidelines Are Not Followed
Pet Licensing Notice
Dog/Cat Licenses
The Village Clerk's office for the Village of Palmyra reminds residents that dog and cat licenses expired Dec. 31 each year and must be renewed for the year by March 31st or there will be a $5 late fee charged after March 31 of each year.
If the rabies vaccination of the animal has expired since the last license was issued, a valid vaccination certificate will be required.
If you fail to license your pet there may be a citation issued by the police department in accordance with Village Ordinances.
If you had a dog/cat licensed last year and no longer have that pet, please contact the Village Clerk's office so that it may be removed from the listing and you are not mailed a notice of late licensing. Thank you.
Fees are:
Unaltered Male Dog $10.00
Unaltered Male Cat $10.00
Unaltered Female Dog $10.00
Unaltered Female Cat $10.00
Neutered Male Dog $ 5.00
Neutered Male Cat $ 5.00
Spayed Female Dog $ 5.00
Spayed Female Cat $ 5.00
Late Fee: $ 5.00
2014 - 2011
November 30, 2014 ATV License Required to Plow Snow
Don't forget to license your ATV with the Palmyra Police Dept. for winter snow removal!!
November 10, 2014 Keep Your Sidewalks Clear of All Snow & Ice
Village Ordinance 8.110(1)(2)
The owner, resident or persons in charge of a property are responsible for clearing snow and ice from any public sidewalk abutting their property within 24 hours of a snow fall. Sidewalks that require the Village to take care of will be charged to the property owner.
November 5, 2014 Do Not Place Snow onto Any Public Street
Per Village Ordinance 8.10(4)prohibits anyone from plowing, shoveling or otherwise placing snow from private property onto any public street.
September 3, 2014 Disposal of Electronics
The garbage company WILL NOT pick up any electronics that you put out to the curb. You need to make arrangements to dispose of them in another manner. The village has e-waste disposal available the first Sat. of each month April-Nov. from 8am-noon at 430 Jefferson St.
August 29, 2014 Yardwaste Notice
Next yardwaste will be first Sat. in Sept. 6 2014 located at 430 S. Jefferson St. Village Residents Only!
Do Not put your leaves into the street, the village does not have curbside pickup of leaves. Thank you
August 14, 2013 Cats At Large Notice
Cats at large will no longer be picked up by the Village Police Dept. Homeowners can trap and find placement for them or you can contact animal control companies within our area.
April 29, 2013 E-Waste and Yard Waste Dump Site
Every Saturday May - Nov. 8 am - noon you may bring your electronics and yardwaste to 430 Jefferson St. for disposal. Absolutely no refrigerants allowed. THERE IS NO CURBSIDE PICKUP OF ELECTRONICS OR YARDWASTE, PLEASE DO NOT PUT THEM OUT TO CURB FOR PICK UP!! Proof of Village residency will be required before dumping.
April 24, 2013 Garbage & Recycling Pick up Dates
Remember: Garbage is picked up EVERY WEEK. Recycling is only picked up every OTHER week. So April 30th is garbage only, May 7th garbage & recycling, etc. Carts are not to be put out more than 24 hours before pick up and not to be left at the curb more than 24 hours after pick up.
January 3, 2013 Garbage Pickup Every Tuesday
Please remember that your garbage cans can not be out to the roadside more than 12 hours before pickup and no more than 24 hours after pick up. Also, only 1 yard (about the size of a washing machine) is permitted. No hazardous or toxic waste!! Also remember that your trash is to be placed in containers, not just on the ground loose. If it's hard for you to manage it's hard for the garbage man to manage. Go to the ordinance tab for complete info. on the garbage & recycling rules.
December 5, 2012 Attention Snowmobilers!!
PLEASE REMEMBER TO STAY ON THE TRAILS!!! Do not drive on private property or Village sidewalks. Obey the rules, don't wreck it for everyone.
November 7, 2011 Snow Removal Reminder
The Village would also like to remind everyone that for your safety and others you cannot plow the snow from your driveway into or across the street, sidewalks must be plowed or shoveled within 12 hours of the snowfall and if you have a fire hydrant on or near your property it is greatly appreciated if you can keep it clear.